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Topics - Gypsum23

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / There Was A Place (real deal)
November 26, 2008, 08:47:49 PM
Here is the proper file that I originally meant to post! ( The There Was A Place thread has the tune Dots mistakenly  linked in it)

I was mucking around with the acoustic samples in M2000 PS1 when I came up with this.

Link below

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / The Drift
October 24, 2008, 09:26:28 AM
Here's a short one I made. Around 2000 this was done I think.

Kinda hypnotic

I hope you enjoy it

The Drift
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Dots
October 24, 2008, 12:27:18 AM

This post was originally titled There Was A Place but I had linked the wrong tune to it and put Dots in it's place!

I was trying for a housey number but ended up with this instead.
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Unexpekted
October 13, 2008, 10:29:05 PM
Here's a much better mix of a track I posted in the Ambient section. I'm chuffed I've found this one. I always ended up with multiple mixes and forget which is which.

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / The Weather
October 13, 2008, 09:55:03 PM
This I thought had parts of what was in the track NewsReport.

So as it came after NewsReport here's The Weather............
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / You know I'm....
October 13, 2008, 09:28:35 PM
 In my wisdom I never titled any of my tunes when I ripped them only numbers and random letters. Makes finding them a little tricky.  I also did a lot of mixes of tunes which makes it hard to keep track of what I've already posted. I'll add them to their respective posts rather than make new topics at some point.

This has what maybe my favourite bassline I made on m2000.

Hope you like it, it's a bit scrappy near the end.

You know I'm...

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Sensation
September 28, 2008, 10:59:10 AM
This is mix of a tune that I have already posted over in the Ambient thread. This version is without the strings. If you like it please feel free to check out the other versions, thanks!
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / PH 5.5
September 28, 2008, 10:45:40 AM
Here's a breakbeat track I made around 2000 on music2000 for the PS1 that I was always rather keen on.

The bass is filth
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Motts House
September 27, 2008, 12:41:16 PM
Here's another one I dug up. I like the bass line but wish I had done something else with the drum tracks, maybe one day I'll go back to it. The songs structure has a little to be desired but hey! It's a bit different from the style I usually did.
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Dome Budd
September 15, 2008, 03:02:27 PM
This old tune of mine is similar to another I've posted in the ambient section with all the other tunes I've posted. This like Newsreport is Breakbeat track in an ambient kind of way.

I hope you like it

Dome Budd
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / NewsReport
September 09, 2008, 05:56:48 PM
An ambient(ish) break/d'n'b tune

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / II extended slap mix
September 09, 2008, 05:37:25 PM
Here's another stupidly long mix of the track II that i've found while digging around in my old files. I used a slap bass sample from the m2000 library for this. I hate slap bass so I was surprised it fit this tune. Same old vocal samples though..

if you liked II you might like this one.

sometimes I just didn't know when to end a rambles I apologise :D
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Make you....Extended mix
September 09, 2008, 05:23:44 PM
This is an extended mix I've just found of a tune that I've already posted (makeyamove). It's long! I warned you!
This if I remember was probably the the last tune I've made. My disc for the pc version is till alusive at this moment. This was on the pc version and was the first time i could use more samples from outside of the music library. This is about 5 years old I suppose and I'm itching to do some more.

Reverb Spook

Alternative version linked below
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Sevens
September 08, 2008, 04:03:47 PM
I hope you enjoy this tune of mine from around 99/2000.  It starts off mellow but as usual the urge to go off on one was there.

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Do You?
September 08, 2008, 03:55:16 PM
An ambient breakbeat/d&b tune I did a while back.

Starts off mellow and ends as a breakbeat bass track
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Separated at Birth
September 08, 2008, 03:35:32 PM
A kind of short split tune I did that starts kind of ambient/breaky and ends a bit techno

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Dott
September 07, 2008, 04:29:21 PM
I started this in Music and then tinkered with it again when Music2000 came out.


Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / kyoto Klang
September 05, 2008, 12:59:54 PM
A slight oriental theme to this one..

I always felt it needed something else in it, but never found something to fit.

Kyoto Klang 2000/2001
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / makeyamove
September 04, 2008, 11:26:02 PM
The bass line for this was one of those half fluke half intended moments that I had plenty of when making these tunes.

I think this is about was done in 1999 on the playstation. I have got a copy of the PC version too as I really want to start making some more stuff but I've lost the disc and cant run it without it. It could be anywhere.

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / II
September 04, 2008, 08:43:49 PM
Here's another of my old rough tunes from around 1999/2000.

*Edit* sadly I've just noticed this rip is off balance, I'm not sure how thats happened or how to fix it. I'll try and figure something out.

The start is a bit of a mess but until I find my old memory cards and dust off my my playstation they are the only versions I have.

II ( the unexpected )

sorry about the size of the file

Hello everyone!

I'm glad I found this site! It is giving me the opportunity to share some of the things I did many years ago.

My first upload to this site is this tune I did about eight or so years ago with Music2000. Mainly done on a portable tv as my sound source so the sound levels can be slightly wonky at times. Infact all the tunes I have done are about 8/9 years old.  None are what I could call a finished piece but I'd like to share some of them with you anyway! Some of the vocal samples are used a bit much but that was the excitement of having M2000 and being able to add them :)

Like I said these are a little rough around the edges but i hope some of you may enjoy them.  There are a load more and I'm going to try and find some of the better ones to share with you.


Extended Mix