A WINNER IS TONY, Death By..., Legend, Beyond the Grave (+ A Bonus)

Started by J-MACHine, December 04, 2009, 07:28:50 AM

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I figured i'd upload the rest of the Beyond Human OST. Or, what i have of it, so far. Then i'll upload a soundtrack i've been working on for a friend. So that should tantalize your tastebuds before i rifle through everything ELSE i need to upload here. XD

Or, rather; the Stage Complete Theme, the Continue Screen theme, the High Score/Name Entry theme, and the Game Over theme. It seemed utterly pointless to upload them all into seperate threads.

No, i couldn't resist the title of the Stage Complete theme. Yes, Tony is the name of the main character. No, i couldn't resist using Orchestra Hit. No, i couldn't resist adding the deliciously cheesy laugh to Beyond the Grave. Yes, i'm aware Legend is spelt wrong in Legend's filename.

If you're confused by the name 'Death By...', then i'll explain it; When you lose all of your lives, but still have continues remaining, then i plan for there to be a number of continue screens- each one selected at random- which Depict Tony in a number of deathtraps. Tied to a chair whilst the room fills up with water, tied to the floor whilst the cieling lowers, tied to a table whilst a buzzsaw lowers (because if Ninja Gaiden can do it, so can i!), etc. etc. The screen fades to red after the countdown ends, which is JUST as the trap is about to do the poor little guy in. Because i am a heartless bastard and it's the best way to keep the players playing. XD

BONUS: You lucky people get to hear a song that was acctually done by a friend of mine (that is a killer piano player and damn good at using fruity loops; i was the guy that introduced her to M2K) that, sadly, didn't have a home; i decided to 'adopt' it and put it into Beyond Human. She was pleased with that. But, i must stress, i had NO INVOLVEMENT in this songs creation AT ALL.

Fabulous Pony Eurotrance™