Started by OverKlockD, July 30, 2008, 12:58:28 PM

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.:DJ Droppin:.

Yeah me too. I just posted on the YouTube page.

"Too bad this is fake. I am as close to a master or "professional" of Music Generator, and sorry these tones, sequences, etc are not on this version of MG. I watch closely how you are scrolling down the channels as the song is played and another layer or channel appears, but the sound doesn't change, at all. Nice try, not."
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.


HMM seems the video was removed. A very wise decision if i do say so myself. +1 for mtvmg users everywhere


Mhmm not it's still there. Lol I have this exact same song on Bonkers albums (don't remember which one, but it has to be from 9 to 12 according to the style). Some people are just dumbasses. The guy probably just wanted to claim he was the master of Music 2000 by trying to make them think that song was made in it, but as soon as the Music 2000 sequencer appeared I recognised the sound layout from Angel In The Stars. He might have taken the song layout from the memory card files on TIMGUL forums though, since AITS was included in them, then made a video. He didn't even edited it to make it look real. Epic fail and he just made himself look bad, considering the original has been viewed by a lot of people alerady

Also, even if the guy would have ripped samples from CD it would still be impossible to have that sound, because the PS1 memory would get filled by the 3rd ripped samples lol


damn! looks like someone has stolen my technique for making tracks!!  ;D



oh no i was only havin a laugh!
what i meant was that i make my tracks this way! (not)  :D

anyway this guy is a knob. i found it hilarious!


oh lol I see now XD, altough with your tracks if your videos on youtube got out of sync with the sound it would be hard to believe it was made in  MTVMG XD


I, honestly, can't say I know anything about the song he used - I've never heard it before.
For anyone who has ever used the Generator, it's easy to see that the music doesn't even come close to matching the video. The screen is filled with riffs during the quietest parts of the song and that amount of vocals could only be added externally, after the fact.

Seems strange, though, that someone would try to fake being good at something that most people have such little respect for.


well, he probably just wanted to look like he's the best Music 2000 user in history. I'm glad he didnt posted hate comments on other videos saying "Haha mottafucka Im beter then u at Msuic 200!!1!111."


lol he deleted all comments saying it's fake. I linked to this thread in his comment page and his channel page. I bet he's gonna delete this too. Maybe his vid is gonna get taken down one day anyway since this song is copyrighted


Omg this guy is a douche and typical Youtube wanker lol. First he deleted all bad comments that are true again. However he left the last one from me intact and one of the comments saying his work is awesome got 6 thumbs down, and here's what he left to me in his vid comments and my channel :P

Sorry I normally don't humiliate people in public but when it comes to these idiots I can't resist. :P He just made himself look bad in the music community and especially the Music Generator users (a lot of which come from youtube). He could just have posted a blank video with just text with Windows Movie Maker or IMTube or just used a screen recorder to record windowsmedia player/winamp/itunes visual effects and use this as video instead of stealing someone else' vid, which, in this case, looks like he claims he made the song himself in Music 2000 when we first look at it <.<


what a complete looser. and I can't believe people write stuff like that, the spelling is like a parody of a 15 year old on crack.


Is he trying to speak 14th century Scottish or something? What the hell is this idiocy.


Idk, hardcore fans from UK tend to talk a lot like this on forums. I used to visit 3 of them and almost everybody talked like this. Same for producers. It looks like SMS/MSN/TXT speak. I don't mind if people do grammar or spelling mistakes but I like to be at least able to understand people posts. Even on MSN I have trouble understanding people sometimes when they talk like this


''Fae'' etc is old style Gaelic... TXT speak would be ''4'' etc, I dunno. I'm from the UK and a hardcore fan and many others I know do not speak like this.

Not a Number

Fear 2 StopĀ®

#17 if I'm understanding right, this dude took a published song and tried to pass it off as one created with Music Generator?! What a tool. Bad speller, too.

On an unrelated not, I just made my first YouTube video. Well, not my first video, but it's the first time I took on my my group's songs and put it on YouTube.
And yes, it's my own stuff.  ;D
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


Just watched it again, ALL THE COMMENTS ARE GONE!!!!


yeah everytime we would post comments he would delete them over and over. He claimed later in a hidden comment (only viewable by clicking "Show ALL comments" ) that he had no video to post the song with and took a random video instead without the knowledge what it was and he didn't wanted a black screen video. However, I think a black screen video with text would just have been fine and easily doable, considering he is using Windows Movie Maker. Plus, his reaction against me was uncalled for and clearly showed that he is an hater