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Messages - Fear 2 Stop®

Experimental/Other / My Father the Hero
July 03, 2011, 04:10:36 AM
This track was originally cut back in 2003; however I cleaned up the sound earlier today...never sounded clearer! (The original was on a cassette tape). The part at the end was a sample from a conversation my dad and I had 3 months before he passed away. He's been gone 8 years but I still miss him. Been thinking a lot about him lately...happens once faced with your own mortality, I guess.

This will  be on our upcoming release, "Family Heat", which hopefully will be on sale soon....

...pretty much covered everything I wanted to say...really good job.

I agree about the Sega Genesis...for some reason I was thinking Toe Jam & Earl!
Rap/Hip Hop / Re: Knowlesy00 ~ Two Beats
July 03, 2011, 12:21:07 AM
Muffin Man is sounding good so far. Very interested in seeing where you take this. Auto-tune sounds good as well, although a few of the samples may need to be switched out. I think the synth bass that "chorusing" (the name of the sample)? I'd switch that out with a different sound. Leave the notes the same though.
Congrats dude!
I do all vocals, and I added live drums as well. Rest is done in MG2.
Congrats rock!
Still planning on working on the video...just life's gone to shit right now -_-
I'm sorry to hear about that. I understand the frustration...because of recent events I'm close to giving up on music and indeed life in general. Meh.
QuoteI do have fears that merging with Omni would take away what makes us "the only place for the MTVMG user" & I got the rocks to say that maybe were better off as a separate entity then to be a piece of a larger pie. Were already kind of like a speciality spot. We just integrated FB functions, added that attachments section to the profile (Love that thing) and getting pretty good at bot destruction as a crew. Losing upgrades always hurts. And starting with 1000 new faces who happen to be involved in an "above my level of understanding" hobby of programming is kinda scary dude! I make beats with games. U make games. The difference will be there.

I'm with you there. However, maybe this will be a way to expose our music to other people who may not have heard it anyway...?
Quote from: DJ Eddy on June 21, 2011, 04:03:45 PM
If MTVMG 2 is the same as Music 3000 then theres a way to change the scroll thing from top to bottom to left to right on the options because thats what i done and i changed the button arrangments to.

Nah...MG2 came out before. Music 3000 was released as "Digital Hitz Factory", and is buggy as hell. Once you get the hang of MG2, it's worth it. I've been using it for 10 years now and there's so much you can do with it. Most fun is to mess around with the sample editor and note parameters.
I'm thinking about making a tutorial video and putting it up on YouTube...for me it is the easiest one in the series to use. The top to bottom style works better for me as because of it, the keyboard part of it is left to right. Plus, it allows me to make cool shapes when I place notes. I shit you not...often I mute the tv and make shapes with the notes; 9 out of 10 times it makes it sound tight. Yeah, I gotta make a video ;)
LOL...I didn't even notice that feature to begin with!
Pretty much all of DJ Eddy and Rob's music...freaking awesome stuff...
actually pretty much everyone here has at least 1 or 2 songs that I wish I came up with.
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / Re: REPONSES PLEASE
June 16, 2011, 07:09:44 AM
Dumb question time...what's OCRemix?
News and announcements / Re: Welcome to TIMGUL
June 16, 2011, 04:00:40 AM
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / Re: REPONSES PLEASE
June 15, 2011, 04:28:50 PM
A little too much dead space at the beginning. I think it sounds pretty good, but one issue...there's plenty of low and hi-end, but nothing really in the mid-range. Sometimes I struggle with the same thing. But yeah, without that, it can make a mix sound hollow. 
News and announcements / Re: Welcome to TIMGUL
June 15, 2011, 04:25:27 PM
The white text on green background is kind of hard to read.
Other interests / Re: holy smokes
June 14, 2011, 07:38:38 AM
Welcome back dude! It's been quite a while, but glad to see you have returned!
Experimental/Other / Re: Blown
June 14, 2011, 07:38:05 AM
Thanks guys! The song's doing pretty well....#124 on Soundclick's Electronica charts, and #4 on the Minimal charts.

Yes, that is definitely a flute, albeit not's a sample that plays more of an elongated note, but I messed around with the note parameters! As far as the sound effect goes...I can't remember what the sample was, just that I messed around with it in the pitch of those was set at 1/4 seconds at 72 keys!