Path of Destruction (My personal favorite F2S Song!)

Started by Fear 2 Stop®, October 10, 2010, 06:10:32 AM

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Fear 2 Stop®

"Path of Destruction"...this is from 2003
(written by B.Castillo/R.Proseus/D.Castillo) featuring all 3 of us. I cleaned up the sound, as the original had LOADS of tape hiss. This is going on the cd, and IMHO is in the top 5 of tracks we've ever done.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


This beat is sick. serious sounds, furious composition. cant figure out what the main instrument is... piano? glass bells? synths? you guys are very pro!
The One and Only, Koolassjoe

Fear 2 Stop®

Ahhh...thanks dude! Put a lot of work into this...I can't remember which "softsynth" instrument I used on the second section but I do know that I pitchshifted the hell out of Raymond's melody on the opening part. Dana did the bass, and I added the main hip hop-ish beat after the entire song was complete! Raymond did the other main synth part and the "chugging" style rhythm (the small little break that pops up in a quieter volume towards the very end) and the slightly off-kilter hi-hat. On the aforementioned second part, I did the bongos and the other melody. Kinda had a tribal vibe...

7 years later and I still feel it's our best work.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)

.:DJ Droppin:.

A trip to the trippy piano store, I envision while listening... Enter: Sounds of musical enchantment to be had for all.... Yet all the employees are dressed as clowns dancing about... Not a very good sales technique. The clowns however are great at delivering the goods which is a very clean production and dominating melodies.
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.

Fear 2 Stop®

Hmmm...think I have an idea if I ever make a video ^_^
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


nice imagery Droppin lol
I love this that eery , trippy vibe from it which is amazing.
LOVE the melody at 1:00 :)