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MUSIC series discussion / Re: M2k samples
July 03, 2011, 02:10:06 PM
You can save all the samples as ".wav" files in the same way you would save them as ".m2k" files
Fankooo :D
Thank you very much buddy :D
So guess who got himself a place on CoLD SToRAGE's site :)
woooooo nice one Eddy. Is indeed deserved. Your passion for what you do is clear to see.
Other Music related Discussion / Gang Fight!
June 23, 2011, 09:25:05 PM
Use the new logo I maddddddddddddddddddddddddde
So what do people think of this new one
Cheers fellas :D anyone want logos designed?
How about this:
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / Re: REPONSES PLEASE
June 16, 2011, 07:14:02 AM
Lol f2s. It's a site for amateur musicians to upload their remixes of video game music, which will then get judged.
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / Re: REPONSES PLEASE
June 16, 2011, 07:06:22 AM
Gosh. Thanks CMG. I did wonder if that was the case. It does surprise me a bit considering that, according to a friend of mine, the recent album of Sonic 1 remixes sound little like the originals at all. By chance I read the bit that tells you what would be required of you if you want to be a judge and one of the things it said was (along these lines) that you must give meaningful, useful feedback. I feel the feedback I got was mostly useless, vague and meaningless.
You guys have offered far better feedback.
Thanks for your comments on the track. I may go back to newgrounds.
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / Re: REPONSES PLEASE
June 15, 2011, 08:59:12 PM
Thank god for some feedback I can actually use! I appreciate everything you both have said as you have offered useful comments. I thought the feedback from OCR was very vague and ambiguous - either they could have offered better feedback or I am rubbish.

Thank you both.

Sacred, I think I am going to change up the song big time anyway. I got a bit carried away with the lentgh - in fact, the unedited version is even longer :O and I can see why the lead synth is annoying.
What do you mean by void space? If you mean what I think you mean, I cannot see much wrong with some areas of a track that do not have a lot going on - or am I missing something?

Thank you for your kind comments too, do I really deserve a place in OCR?
Video Game/Film Soundtracks / REPONSES PLEASE
June 15, 2011, 04:20:48 PM
So I submitted my remix of Sonic 2's Hidden Palace Zone theme to OCRemix - after shortening it by editing some areas to fit OCRemix's size limits - and I recently heard back from them... they shot it down :( here is their review:

"Neat track to work with, and you have some good ideas, but right now the song isn't developed enough, with a lot of areas that are very sparse.  The overall interpretation on the melodies is low as well, I'd suggest focusing on those two areas first.  Production and sounds overall are ok, but they could honestly be better as well.  I'd suggest using our WIP forums to get some more feedback."

What do you guys think?

I have attached the edited version that I sent them.
Other interests / Re: holy smokes
June 14, 2011, 03:51:21 PM
welcomeeeeeeeee back
:( I am sorry to hear that Eddy mate. You may find that this may be just a phase, none the less, it is generous of you to still offer to return for our music!
Other Music related Discussion / Re: PROMO VIDEO
June 02, 2011, 07:26:59 PM
Anyone else???
Non-MUSIC/MTVMG / Re: Sampling Life
June 01, 2011, 09:05:57 PM
Thanks bud :D