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Messages - 147 crew

Drum & Bass / Re: Synth Assault
August 31, 2008, 10:28:12 PM
Cool cheers, thanx for the listen..think it's still needs some work though
Drum & Bass / Synth Assault
August 30, 2008, 03:13:53 PM
TITLE- Synth assault
AUTHOR- 147 crew
FILETYPE- youtube link
DESCRIPTION- Description in Video

New vid of the end of the tune

Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Re: Saffronia
August 30, 2008, 01:10:35 PM
These are pre-made riffs?? AWESOME!

Definitely got some energy in there..For the first tune made with MUSIC2000 pretty damn good if you ask me

But as Omni said the kickdrum is a little quiet..lovin' all the sound variation though  :D
August 30, 2008, 12:48:59 PM
Yay..New tune, only just noticed this 1 couple of days ago

Plenty of sounds in this one, likin' the Deep BASS. You seem to have a excellent method of writing your tunes  Always flawless..Always inspiring


When's yr C.D coming out  ;)
Drum & Bass / Re: S.o.S
August 29, 2008, 06:07:43 PM
cheers bud, think this one is a little random..Too much of everything.

Finished the Revamp now so will add shortly
Quote from: Not a Number on June 22, 2008, 04:14:21 PM

Hmm, the brief "wobble" in tempo's an interesting one, even though DnB's not the music I listen to most, I'd imagine it's not what you hear in a DnB that often.

Big tune!
Drum & Bass / Re: S.o.S
August 29, 2008, 12:12:56 AM
This tune is now gettin' a well deserved makeover  :D
TITLE- Sting of Tellus
AUTHOR- 147 crew
DESCRIPTION- As the tune has evolved my save for the original altered so much that I decided to revamp my first attempt..using the original video for reference I have re-written it completely. Most of the same samples i've kept in but also added some new ones..the first version had no reverb and the beat was well dodgy. Hopefully this tune is much better and the new parts are sounding pretty LARGE

2 mp3 files uploaded. First is a straight forward recording, Second is a 2 channel version

If these mp3's sound ok then I will be adding lots more to compliment my existing vids

Drum & Bass / Sting of Tellus- NEW VERSION
August 28, 2008, 03:18:55 PM
New version made

House/disco / Re: Driving Force
August 28, 2008, 11:14:17 AM
Yeah definitely got a similar feel to it..glad you approve

will spend a day sorting out mp3's for my tunes, got loads to do  :(
House/disco / Driving Force
August 27, 2008, 04:50:18 PM
TITLE- Driving Force
AUTHOR- 147 crew
FILETYPE- Youtube link
DESCRIPTION- Firstly i'm not sure if this is House/Disco/'s 132bpm so defintely doesn't belong in my normal D'n'b section. Anyway I loaded up an old tune which I never got around to finishing as it was bad, added some new samples and came up with a new idea and this just rolled out..see what you think, I quite like it  :D

Introductions / Re: Hi Everyone
August 26, 2008, 06:28:21 PM
Thought i'd add a quick update as since I joined my MUSIC has changed dramatically, for the better I hope.

On my posts there are 2 links..

One is to youtube- My homepage where you can find videos of my tracks,(not really videos just cool pics with my tunes playin'.) Some are variations of the mp3's I have uploaded here, early works or just one off songs. It also contains my HUGE playlist of some of my favourite tunes, gotta check it out!!

Second is to my FACEBOOK page dedicated to my MUSIC, very easy to use no downloads TIMGUL only allows around 6 minutes worth of sound this is a great place to upload my MEGA versions of tunes. 1 is 15 minutes, another is 12 minutes...loads of tracks on there...feel free to visit and leave comments

I don't actually think I have ever finished a tune, just when the screen gets too full I start to get confused and kinda move on to the next project..all good fun  :D

Visit the D'n'b genre as all my tunes are there apart from one I think..
Other Music related Discussion / Re: tracks quality
August 26, 2008, 04:18:23 PM
Cheers Z, I think I have the gain on around .8 so I will try having it lower see if its better?
WOW, subs are huge but under control..sorting out the mp3 versions for both tunes

here is a short video of the 2nd attempt, please PUMP through your speakers..headphones just won't do it justice  :D

Introductions / Re: hello
August 26, 2008, 01:05:14 AM
Welcome & ENJOY  :D
Quick note, given up sorting out the first version..screen is way too busy so I kept it the same and loaded it up again to start over. Kept most of the same samples just constructed in a different way..Will UPLOAD both tomorrow/today UK time

26 samples used for the NEW version

Beat sounds fine, gotta make sure the SUBS aren't too BIG..hopefully worth the wait  :-\
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Re: the Nasty
August 23, 2008, 09:05:48 PM
Yeah I hope so...

Think i'm gonna upload an experimental version and a finished one, so far I have 6m40s worth of sounds..loads of different parts to it which all sound good but i'm not sure if they all go together  ???

Been on this tune for about a week, normally I spend a day at some nice deep subs in there and definitely my biggest BASS yet

Down to 26 samples, maybe room for 1 or 2 more  :D
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / the Nasty
August 21, 2008, 08:12:55 PM
TITLE- the Nasty
AUTHOR- 147 crew
DESCRIPTION- Unfinished tune i'm working on, Started as a REMIX of High ride and now contains 29 loaded samples..some pretty BIG sounds, here is the intro..
Yeah enjoying the tempo, as I said the Beat/Combo is great..Been working on "the Nasty" for ages, had soo many changes..But I mean some big subs is always nice, wait til you hear on yr BIG Mommas,(Speakers.)  :D

But it feels quite trancy/ey? Anyway yeah I thinks it's in the right place, Alls welcome in the Dnb room

the Nasty coming soon..