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Messages - 147 crew

I love the Euphoric Trance feel, your strings are perfect, I wouldn't class this as Dnb though..Couldn't hear any Subs  :(  (No dirtyness)
The melodies r great and the sound of the initial beat/snare is very smooth..favourite part was towards the end..Lovin the tempo though  :D

First uplifting Dnb I think i've heard  8)
Yeah liking the intro, glad you got inspired..gonna have to put this through the speakers

My ears are ringing!!  :D
When you load a sample and then go further into it, I mean to change Loop or feedback also something to do with LFO frequency etc etc

How do you actually do stuff?? When I altered some samples they sounded great but I had no idea of what I was doin' and the game crashed 3 times in a seems like an excellent function any basic tips?

will listen to the tune real soon, getting quite excited actually..hearing the names and references..LTJ Bukem high contrast, the praise obviously

One thing I hate bout Dnb writing is the snare, sooo hard to find good ones..High hit is not too bad though

Petite can sound quite funky (MUSIC2000)
All sounds rather special, all helps promote the awesome-ness of the MUSIC/MTV series..rather like Oasis VS Busted

The more mixes the better I reckon
Other interests / Re: DAMN IT!!
August 18, 2008, 07:17:57 PM
Yeah the lens cleaner is well worth it, think it was £4 from the local supermarket, i've had to use it twice but it's so good!!
Other interests / Re: DAMN IT!!
August 16, 2008, 11:55:21 PM
Before I got my cleaner it took forever to load, but now i'd say from turning on the PS2 to playin' is around 1m30 at the most..probably quicker than all my others which are looking rather dusty  :D
NEW mix just about complete...only kept one of the same melodies, well one Bar of it anyway..

Still the same samples as high ride, so need to change a bit of the percussion but I have the tune down

ADDED hard boys too!  :D

23 samples used, still a little bit of blue memory left but the pink one is flashing violently

In the mean time, check out the original High ride...OR my FULL MIX of Stalker, bloody mental 12min tune only on FACEBOOK due to the download needed just click and stand back  :o
Other Music related Discussion / Re: Playback
August 16, 2008, 08:50:19 PM
I don't have i-tunes or i-pod...the main volume control on the pc doesn't have any decent settings but the VLC player sounded GREAT when I was fiddling..maybe its just me then?
Other interests / Re: DAMN IT!!
August 16, 2008, 08:46:32 PM
Yeah that sucks!! As pillage,(Adam.) said don't give up tryin' as mine also got a bit screwed up..I have the older/bigger PS2. I used a lens cleaning disc and now it works fine..maybe it's just that 1 game??

Other Music related Discussion / Playback
August 15, 2008, 08:54:57 PM
Just noticed something when listening to my mp3 on VLC media player, go to audio and you can select different sound. Like- Full Bass/Treble, Rock, Pop etc

when I selected Headphones it sounded much better. Maybe you guys already know this. If so, why didn't you share? If not, then try it..The percussion in my tune Stalker sounded great, real Dnb hats..BASS was fantastic  :D
So I finally added the whole version- 12 minutes in total, not sure if i'm totally happy with all of it. Sounds pretty evil though, loads of NEW parts that aren't in the shorter version. Found some more melodies to add, percussion has been changed too.

Visit FACEBOOK to listen- annoyin I know  :)

Bottom tune on the list at the moment

Forgot to mention I added a section with the "MAD BASS"  :o
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Re: High Ride- NEW MIX
August 13, 2008, 10:27:28 PM
NEW MIX coming soon, defnitely going to shorten and so far I have a NEW Melody to start with a very Dirty BASS line..
MUSIC 2000/MTV Music Generator / Re: tutorials?
August 13, 2008, 10:24:29 PM
Anybody fancy sharing some samples or puttin down some more tutorials?

In my Stalker tune, loads of melodies sort of vanished during playback..I did have about 6 playin' at once though..all with reverb pretty much and the stereo/cloning riff trick  :D
Only just noticed this tune..a Dnb tune i've not heard?

As you know I love RPG's + Dnb- Yeah could see this workin' in yr game for sure..nice sounds, great soundtrack you just the game awaits.....
Lost songs (MUSIC/MTVMG) / Re: The Machine- BRAND NEW
August 12, 2008, 07:07:17 PM
yeah cheers, definitely better than most of me tunes..goes well, lots of punch..the BIG FAT mix is up real soon  :D
Yeah, I can go mad now and add loads of stuff. I reckon some hard breaks are needed? Should be fun!

More DARKNESS, tweak the melody perhaps?
cheers, tryin' to make some harder tunes..find it quite difficult but with some good samples hopefully the sound is good..loads of layers so plenty of different rhythms..

will add the full mix soon, maybe change a bit first?  This one has taken me ages!!!
Had another go at sortin' this tune, even more melodies now I think they go together rather well. 2nd half of the tune as its still over 8mins long..

Beginning is completely re-done again! Full mix be up soon