Started by ::CMG (UTOPIA)::, July 04, 2011, 05:49:18 AM

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idk why I didn't do this earlier, but since it's the 3 year anniversary of this remix, I figured it'd be appropriate.

History Lesson: Many moons ago (specifically around 2005 and 2006) in the world of StepMania, two people named Family Farce and Kid Covington created a StepMania song & theme pack called "Hopscotch Mix".  It quickly became the hottest topic in the community with its catchy songs, and gimmic-filled steps.  Among the song list was the "TSU" series.  tsugamush, TSUHSUIXAMUSH, TSUPSEUDOGAMUSH, and Tsu.survivor.gamusH became very well known names and the more popular songs from the group.  Around 2008, F+F (Family Farce) held a contest to see who could come up with the best "TSU" remix...

...which brings me to these songs.  TSUTOPIAMUSH was my remix and entry for the contest.  Sadly, I did not win, but it was like the second or third popular remix in the contest.  A year later, I made 3 more remixes just for the hell of it :P Since then, the group no longer exists (due to personal reasons and such), but the legacy lives on (sort of).  The girl with the tape on her mouth has pretty much been the "mascot" for my TSUTOPIAMUSH remixes ever since (if you would have seen F+F's images for the "TSU" songs, they were alot more weirder/creepier).  This album well deserves the letters "EP" stuck to it, since I do not have plans on making anymore "TSU" remixes (and don't ask me for the "TSU" samples... just like the group they are long gone.  If you wanna learn more about Family Farce, Hopscotch Mix, and/or the "TSU" songs, I'd suggest using Google/YouTube... theres still a few links around left ;) )

By the way, I know I made a thread about these remixes like months ago but back then I thought I would be making more.  So this is the FINAL decision, and these remixed finally have a home (I.E. their own album)

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?vqw308z3xvyh428

Song List:

Hope you enjoy... and don't forget to check out my other album "Planet Utopia"