Slay Ride

Started by Fear 2 Stop®, November 28, 2008, 07:12:18 AM

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Fear 2 Stop®

Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


that woz amazin mate, didnt think i woz gona like it at first, but then that beat kicked in, nice!!

Fear 2 Stop®

Yeah, my wife  & I did that track in 2005. We actually took an old song her & Raymond did, and added so many new parts to it that it turned into a different song. She did the harder basslines, mine the "goofier" ones. Dana also did good part of the melody.Raymond did part of the beat (the original one that is now kinda in the background, but the song would like like bare ass if it were gone) and a good deal of the FX) I did the main melody and the arrangement.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


I`m gonna play this on Christmas day, sat at around the table eating dinner with the whole family...I`m sure they won`t mind...especially my Grandma!  ;D

Superb again Fear2Stop.
"Way Out" - new album made with Ableton Live- 2012

Fear 2 Stop®

Thanks dude! I did fix up the sound a bit in Adobe Audition, 'cause the original had a lot of tape hiss.

If we ever try to get a record deal, I think I'm gonna use this one. Hell, maybe it'll catch on as a novelty hit. :lol: j/k
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)