Help us WIN this contest!!!!

Started by Fear 2 Stop®, July 28, 2009, 05:28:06 AM

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Fear 2 Stop®

There's a contest over at Our track "Barbecue the Rabbit" is entered. Please click the link below, check out my song, and vote for us. We're the only group in the contest that uses anything from the Music series so this in a way would be a victory for TIMGUL. All you have to do is register for an account at and go to the following would be *greatly* appreciated. Only 1st place votes, "most creative" , and "wtf" count toward the standings.

Contest ends in 24 hours...
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


hi mate, i tried to vote for you but it says this.

To Vote: You must be a member of Soundclick for at least 30 days or have 20 posts credited in the forums.

To Vote: Post in this thread. You must pick your 3 favorites from the 10 entrants. If you do not pick 3 favorites your votes will not be counted, so be sure you pick 3.
You must also pick one favorite for the special categories below:

sorry i couldn't help out mate,

i have signed up to soundclick so if anything else comes up in the future i should be able to give you a hand, good luck with the comp hope you win dude

Fear 2 Stop®


Thanks anyway though. Normally I wouldn't ask, but I'm starting to get very frustrated with our lack of success and limited amount of plays over the past month or so. Been  doing this for 8 years and am closing to giving up.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)

Sacred Virgo

same as quade here.

@billy: i understand what you mean and how you feel, but unfortunately being ignored by the masses is the destiny of most of us amateur underground musicians. i can't really say what is the best thing to do, personally i hate advertising my music too much as i consider advertising very very annoying. maybe going for pop music might help, but would you be satisfied with that? furthermore, there are so many amateur artists in the world, there's so much competition.. and most of those artists are going to be unnoticed forever, no matter how good they are (i'm sure we all know some great musicians who can't seem to make it big even if they're extremely good) or what they do to promote their songs. i know well this is hard to accept but i fear there's no much we can do about that.

and of course i'd like to receive more feedback (who doesn't?) too, but i know this problem involves anyone so that's why i use to think there's no point complaining too much about that

Fear 2 Stop®

See, I don't *want* to stay unknown.  I see people that are honestly less talented than I am driving expensive cars, living in big-ass houses, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I actually am considering selling out just to get one cd selling big...then screw with everyone's head when we hit them with what we *really* do. Kinda like the whole Trojan Horse thing. Hell, I may used that as the title lol.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)

Sacred Virgo

Quote from: Fear 2 Stop on July 28, 2009, 08:05:41 PM
I see people that are honestly less talented than I am driving expensive cars, living in big-ass houses, and it makes me sick to my stomach

yes, that's too true. but i fear that packing up a professionally produced record with some radio-friendly content is still not enough to ensure you/me/us all to make it big. just take a look around in all the free music sites over the, you can find remarkable artists there but still they're no rich nor famous no matter how radio-friendly their music is. moreover, we live in the mp3/ free file sharing era, where most of the people are not going to pay any money to get some music. some decades ago things were different but now it seems to me it's way harder to make it big and make some real money out of music production.