Started by BlondeJustice, September 24, 2009, 04:26:18 AM

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.:DJ Droppin:.

Welcome back man! Yep a strict no-drama policy is in place. Proud to say we're back to old times on TIMGUL and many, many new members. I believe 50 over the past 2 months. A lot of fantastic new music/artists to be heard. Now, get to creating, James! I want to hear some new stuff from you!  :)
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.


When is the site being revamped?
I want HIGH DEFINITION filming!!! Brighter colours!! Deeper blacks!!!!! I want sharper images and a soft-focus glowing effect surrounding each member as they come in and out of the forums. I want music to be played in SURROUND SOUND MUTHAFUKKAS! I want a NEW THEME TUNE! I want a NEW LOGO! I want opening and closing titles showing the name of each member and big smiley shots of each member!! I want an entrance with glasses of Shloer available for everyone to sip! I want tiny glowing pixies floating around to create a mystical atmosphere! I want regular trips to the moon!

.:DJ Droppin:.

Quote from: RSCONCEPTIONS© on August 06, 2010, 01:06:00 PM
When is the site being revamped?
I want HIGH DEFINITION filming!!! Brighter colours!! Deeper blacks!!!!! I want sharper images and a soft-focus glowing effect surrounding each member as they come in and out of the forums. I want music to be played in SURROUND SOUND MUTHAFUKKAS! I want a NEW THEME TUNE! I want a NEW LOGO! I want opening and closing titles showing the name of each member and big smiley shots of each member!! I want an entrance with glasses of Shloer available for everyone to sip! I want tiny glowing pixies floating around to create a mystical atmosphere! I want regular trips to the moon!

LOL  :D Rikki. Is that all.... You made me laugh so hard I almost pooped myself!  ;D :) :D
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.


I'd like there to be a song rating system, stars out of 5 or something, as well as comments. So if guests hear the music, they can rate it :D
Life can be hard sometimes. We all need an outlet, whether it be sex, speeding, violence or creation. I chose creation. Enjoy  .

Casper AudioGhost

that's a cool idea dan the only problem with it is there are a couple of bitter people who were banned who would prolly give all the songs a bad rate-however from experience i can tell you that if some asshole gets banned from a forum ur on and 6 months later is making up fake nicks to get in and harass you-u must be doing something right lol-i'm in favor of rating so long as we can be clear-it means nothing the true value of your music lies in whether your song made one person-have goosebumps-hum along-dance-feel happy-smile and so on-bring on the ratings lol              casper

heres an idea for rates,lol   great-good-maybe-idunno-don't ask don't tell   hehe
RIP Marna Patterson (1947-2009) i love you mom,my music is for you:)
my net label 57 tracks
dj on


Yeah thats a good point casper. Maybe with the rating system have only members allowed to do it, or even yet only buddies. This way only trusted people are allowed to rate. I think also there should be a section for verse collab songs, so that way they are much easiert to find. It seems my idea to do verse tracks has taken hold lol, and i didn't think it would be that good of an idea. And if say someone wants to do a verse track, on our profile it should state what generator software we have, so if i like perfson x's music, and he has m2k, i could ask him/her if he/she wants to do a verse track. I think verse tracks enhances our ability to create songs, and build off eachother.
Life can be hard sometimes. We all need an outlet, whether it be sex, speeding, violence or creation. I chose creation. Enjoy  .


I think I saw a rating system somewhere on SMF official website. I forgot if it was for SMF 1.1.x or 2.0, though. I agree it may be abused, though, if a troll was to join and rate every song 1 star, though. On Youtube the rating system was already abused.

Another thing I have on my other website is an individual post rating system where you can rate people comments up or down, like the old Youtube comment rating system, except each comments could only be rated once by the same user and the total amount of votes showed up as the person's Karma. Usually, people will rate up project updates and helpful comments and rate down useless offensive remarks. However I doubt this is needed on TIMGUL given the comments positiveness or helpfullness, plus on my other site it got abused once by a troll who rated 400 of my posts down. We kept it though because it seemed to discourage people who are more rude from being as rude to not get rated down and sometimes we get 400 posts a day so it would be hectic to moderate otherwise. As I said, such system would not be needed on TIMGUL. A topic rating system enabled in the songs section would maybe work, though. I'm unsure. People may just rate the track up and not post, decreasing the site overall activity.

On a side note I just noticed TIMGUL had the most active July in its history. Check the board stats at the bottom and compare July 2008, 2009 and 2010:


Yeah good point. Although i thought it would be mad to have like a top 20 or something list. Maybe have something like a cheer, and a cheer only on the song itself. Only members can hit it. and only once per member. The song with the most cheers leads the TIMGUL charts. I like that idea.
Life can be hard sometimes. We all need an outlet, whether it be sex, speeding, violence or creation. I chose creation. Enjoy  .


What about a MUSIC PLAYER on the main home page that plays any random song produced by any of us members, so that we can hear songs we might have missed or forgotten about.

And some kind of chart is an awesome idea. Provided it is done in a way that encourages producers, rather than makes them feel pissed off about not having made it into the charts....hmmm...

.:DJ Droppin:.

I LOVE the idea of a music player embedded on the main page. The points you brought up, Rikki is exactly why. I also really like the idea of a chart of sorts. I'm not exactly sure how to go about that to make sure it is absolutely fair and not have anyone abuse it. Omni would be the man to get that done.
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.

Casper AudioGhost

most active july!!!woohoo!!! i been checking the stats and thats why i know this site is BACK!! hell yeah!!and yes i would LOVE a flash player-perhaps for a certain number of tracks for each member                                                        casper
RIP Marna Patterson (1947-2009) i love you mom,my music is for you:)
my net label 57 tracks
dj on


Maybe have a rating system like i mentioned for each catergory. So have a top ten for each of them, and have it so you can only give a thumbs up to any song. The song with the most thumbs up leads in its catergory. I think this would increase peoples insopiration to create more advanced well made songs. If a guest would like to give a thumbs up, then they should register to do so...possible way of getting more members?
     The song on the home page idea is brilliant!!!!!
Life can be hard sometimes. We all need an outlet, whether it be sex, speeding, violence or creation. I chose creation. Enjoy  .


I like the idea of a rating system following on to a chart. So you cannot rate songs DOWN, only UP, and the ten most UP rated songs will be in the charts.
And there should be charts for each genre (although a problem with this is...are there enough songs posted on each genre?) - unless it is done monthly?

Also, I think on the main home page, there should be a huge breast. Just one though.


Maybe it should be top 3 for each genre?
Life can be hard sometimes. We all need an outlet, whether it be sex, speeding, violence or creation. I chose creation. Enjoy  .


A music player running random trax? Awesome! with direct links to the posting?  & A ratings system would rock. charts would mean there would be alot of mp3 management! lol. freshenin up some new stuff and dustin off some oldies!
The One and Only, Koolassjoe

Fear 2 Stop®

Sounds like a great idea!
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)