New Album planned

Started by RSCONCEPTIONS©, January 04, 2010, 06:21:09 PM

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I have a new album planned.
I dunno what artist name I will release it under.
I don't know what genre(s) it will incorporate.

But it is going to be a concept album. An album about Autism.

Ideas for songs and their titles are already in the making...


.:DJ Droppin:.

Quote from: RikkiMusic on January 04, 2010, 06:21:09 PM
I have a new album planned.
I dunno what artist name I will release it under.
I don't know what genre(s) it will incorporate.

But it is going to be a concept album. An album about Autism.

Ideas for songs and their titles are already in the making...


If it's anything like your other work it will be outstanding. Can't wait to hear it man.
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.

Fear 2 Stop®

Sounds like a great idea! Keep us updated!
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)