Zero post accounts and spam

Started by DJ_Omnimaga, March 27, 2011, 05:27:55 PM

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In response to the recent wave of spammers registering on the forums, we have setup an host name and IP black list from which it is no longer possible to register. Also, due to almost all new member accounts with no posts being spam accounts (coming either from the new blacklisted hosts or having signature advertisments), we have decided to delete all member accounts with no post. From now on, every month all zero-post members that signed up at least 30 days ago will be deleted.

Since member and admin activation is unreliable (activation e-mails not being sent all the time and bots still getting through), we won't go with these measures, although we might eventually try to install another anti-spam, assuming we can find one that works on this hosting provider.

Sorry for the inconveniences this might cause.

.:DJ Droppin:.

I receive an e-mail notice every time a new member joins. I do my very best to check to see if its really a new member, or just a spam bot to which I ban immediately.
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.

Fear 2 StopĀ®

Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


I added an hostname in the spambot banlist, because my inbox got flooded by about 10-30 registrations per day and it got annoying. All were from some sort of Phillipines host. All of those accounts were deleted and the bans merged into one.
Thanks guys for banning them before they flood the site with ads.

.:DJ Droppin:.

I have been banning quite a few lately. I noticed some immediately have links in their signature, so I ban them. Others seem to show up a day later or so. And others will post some random nonsense with their links. I noticed a TON of bots IP's are from Utah(Found that odd) and yep many from The Philippines.
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space.