Welcome to TIMGUL

Started by .:DJ Droppin:., May 27, 2011, 10:32:46 PM

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.:DJ Droppin:.

Artwork done by Rikki(RSCONCEPTIONS©)
Bass is a force that defies the universe of logic, time, and space. http://www.reverbnation.com/djdroppin



Yeah, cool! Nice work, Rikki
DJ Gift / ArcaneFuture



Darn I love this new banner a lot


wow it lost its quality. Can I email you the original, which should be better

Dead Kousin

A forum for any composers to upload music/sound art created using Music, Music 2002 etc.


sweet logo... not sure bout the color though, lol (but that i can always change on my own) :P

Quote from: Dead Kousin on May 29, 2011, 10:51:15 PM
A forum for any composers to upload music/sound art created using Music, Music 2002 etc.

contributing now, lol


The One and Only, Koolassjoe





I kinda like it, although personally I liked the first one a lot too.

By the way I made a different version with black text, if I ever redesign the site with a SMF 1.1.x style theme or merge it with my other site (would still use TIMGUL theme for every TIMGUL section, even maybe the exact same portal, but forum accounts would be shared between both sites). I'll try to find it when I have time. It's similar to the green one, but has black text instead.

Fear 2 Stop®

The white text on green background is kind of hard to read.
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)http://www.soundclick.com/fear2stop


This is the banner I was talking about:

By the way I'm thinking about going back to SMF 1.1.x series, regardless of if this site remains hosted on this webspace or with the other forum on my other. SMF 2.0 is too friggin hard to make custom templates for and it's virtually impossible to convert an existing SMF 1.1.x theme to a 2.0 one. Also the admin panel is annoying to use at times IMHO. There are custom themes available, but I would rather not use third-party ones and make my own.

Fear 2 Stop®

Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)http://www.soundclick.com/fear2stop