
Started by Fear 2 Stop®, March 27, 2010, 04:16:08 AM

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Fear 2 Stop®

This is one of our older tracks from 2002, but with cleaner sound. The opening is a bit abrupt; it was originally on cassette tape, and I think part of it got recorded over. In any case, here 'tis!
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)


this is so good man,that jazzy thing you did back then is so real,again its such a live sound,i like the movement you creat,its almost like an improvisation,very free moving,gimme some more,

Fear 2 Stop®

Thanks dude! Yeah, I kinda missed how I wrote back then...our sound has changed so much in the 9 years we've been a group. Sometimes I wish we could go back to a simpler sound...
Fear 2 Stop are: Billy Castillo (me), Dana Castillo (my wife) Raymond Proseus (best friend)